Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Great Wildlife Sightings in Denali NP

I had hoped to post a full blog tonight on the animals we had the opportunity to view (and photograph) during our three day stay in the park. It's late and I'm pretty zapped, so I'm going to let the photos speak for themselves!

This beautiful black wolf was seen as we left our Tek Campsite heading out at around 7:30am on Tuesday morning.

These two carried on for about 10 minutes. David has a great video of them wrestling, which we'll post on YouTube when we return home.

Young bull moose eating in a marshy pond near Wonder Lake.

Young male rams up high on the hillside overlooking the tundra near Polychrome Pass.

A caribou herd was moving across an open area as we were exiting the park on Tuesday morning. There were about 10 in the herd.

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