Saturday, August 28, 2010

Arrived Safely!

Just a quick post to let everyone know we arrived last night without incident and on time (8:00p local). We had some minor issues with Avis at the airport (they had our reservation but at more than double the rate I had been quoted and had documented). Once that was cleared up, we were on our way to the hotel, less than 10 minutes away.

Beat from the long travel day, we were fast asleep when the Aurora Alert tweet happened at 3:38am. Unfortunately, we were under thick clouds and rain, so the KP=4 did us no good. Come to think about it, waking David up to go venture out the Cleary Summit would have equated to waking up a momma grizzly from her hiberation slumbers. It was good to not have to deal with what to do . . . go out alone, wake him up . . . or ignore the alert.

We are off for the UA/F Large Animal Research Station and then grocery shopping. We'll return the rental car and pick up the RV from Tracy & family.

WooHoo . . . we're on vacation in Alaska.


  1. OK! I with you on this exciting adventure!

  2. Glad you arrived safe and well. Looking forward to reading and seeing all your adventures.
